Modelling new skills silently created focused quiet and children were able to repeat the process. This was found to be most powerful for maths.
One teacher had used the Plickers App for retrieval practice and found it quick and useful. Kagan Showdown is similar but answers are shown within groups allowing for peer feedback. Low stakes quizzes were enjoyed by children, celebrating marvellous mistakes along the way. Retrieval was also focused around content from last lesson, last week, last year.
Displays were now only appropriate that children needed to use. They know where to look for letter/number formation etc. so there is more self-regulation.
Teachers found that having a consistent routine and structure of lessons made children more settled and less anxious, as they knew what was coming.
All teachers had recapped previous knowledge and reminded children of specific vocabulary so they are ready for current lessons.
Teachers were all giving children more time to answer questions, which has helped their processing.
Chunking lessons had increased confidence, so that lessons have specific parts which children knew were coming.
PowerPoint slides had been modified so that there was not too much going on which would distract children from what matters.
Instead of note taking these teachers had made much use of mini whiteboards and talk partner discussions.
Kahoot quizzes challenged children at the end of a unit and consolidated learning.
In two schools the first 10 minutes every day was retrieval practice which has helped to recap previous learning.
One school had introduced Let’s Prepare, Let’s Write, Let’s Edit/improve, Let’s Publish which was visually stimulating and helped engage children and focus on the different parts.
Minimal marking and on the move feedback helped children during the learning process to improve and understand their mistakes.
All teachers had made sure all children could see and use the working walls and knowledge organisers
All teachers had tried silent modelling. Children were completely engaged and the silence made it more difficult for chatting. Success criteria could be created from the silent modelling – ‘What did I just do?’ – and there was no cognitive overload. There were lots of positive comments from the children and they were keen to do the task demonstrated. It really benefited lower achievers.
Working walls now included quadrant displays (last lesson, last week, last unit, last term retrieval practice) and children can use them and add to them. All the information they need is in one place. This has improved children’s independence, encouraged peer support, reinforced their understanding and linked with previous learning.
Thinking books/target books had been introduced by all teachers which included quadrants of previous work or practise of previous targets. This again improved children’s independence – they were less reliant on the teacher.
Silent modelling has supported my lower achievers. Sometimes you can discuss and explain as basically as possible, but some pupils still won’t understand. Watching and then explaining in their own words is better suited to those lower achieving pupils.