Two teachers had used the visualiser to help children see steps in learning and magpie each other’s ideas.
Teachers were on the move, pen in hand keeping track of the learning. They were able to give immediate responses or write with picture codes. Highlighting parts to focus on meant children could implement improvements immediately.
Whole class feedback sheets and whole class input had been used, as well as ‘Tapestry’ for communicating with parents the achievements in the classroom.
Two teachers had used pink and green pens for children’s writing during the process. Children were excited to work out why it was pink or green and were able to correct mistakes on the spot.
All teachers were observing children during play and talk partner discussions. They observed real life application of skills which informed responsive planning.
Post lesson feedback – one school was doing individual self-assessment discussions 1-1. This was only manageable because the class was small and there was learning assistant support. This has led to children being more able to self-assess their own writing. This teacher had children doing a gallery walk to look at each other’s work and give feedback on the spot. Children felt proud to show off their work and they are beginning to develop peer feedback skills.
“Through individual discussions with children we are developing self-assessment skills, especially after writing lessons.
” To develop peer feedback we began with gallery walks. Children left their work on the table and we all walked around discussing each other’s work. When the class gathers together we started by choosing work at random using named lolly sticks and saying something we liked about it.
“I will be moving on to develop peer assessment skills based on success criteria – using the skills they learned during self-assessment time with the teacher.”
Eilidh Todd — Lasswade Primary School
North Wales 1
All teachers had introduced mid lesson learning stops to refer to the success criteria. This has kept children on task and motivated.
One teacher uses two stars and a wish for children to self-assess. Children share together what they have done well and what they could improve.
All teachers have introduced self-evaluation in the plenary. Children can reflect, saying what they have learnt and what they can do better.
“My class have specific time in areas with their talk partner. Children are challenging each other and learning social skills by having to work with their talk partner in the areas. They remember the success criteria and revisit them in the areas – they encourage each other and give each other verbal feedback on the outcome of the tasks.
“Children then show their work at the end of the lesson either under the visualiser or at the front of the class, giving whole class feedback. Children enjoy being mini teachers and the language they use comes from the success criteria.”
Rachel Owen
Three teachers use positive pink and green for growth to highlight in children’s work during lessons. The children know what the colours mean and what they need to do next.
Feedback Friday exists in 2 classes in which children work on improvements.
Feedback on the move during lessons feeds into planning and gives instant feedback.