2018 Age 11-18: Secondary Feedback from Day 3

North Wales 1

Teachers were concerned that on the move feedback did not mean that every student gets attention, although where students were sitting in groups it was easier.  Some students have written feedback on their books while others have verbal feedback, which is not consistent.  Some students could write down what is said but some schools don’t encourage that.

Asking students who understand the work to explain to those who don’t was effective also  modelling the improvements on the move.  They are asking open questions to ensure that the pupils are challenging themselves.

Teachers said they were now going to concentrate on verbal feedback and, when pupils have reacted to it, they show in their work their progress highlighted in green.

Mid lesson learning stops occur when on the move feedback has highlighted an issue or to model good work.  This reassures the students that they are on the right track.

As children are self-assessing against the success criteria, it is easier for teachers to mark. Students are asked to explain what they have achieved.

Cooperative improvement discussions between three students work really well and children in Y7 have made significant progress through this.

North Wales 2

Teachers had given students whole class feedback verbally focusing on common errors which they then correct at the beginning of the next lesson.  This has decreased the workload and made students more independent.

There is more verbal feedback within lessons and self-reflection by students which has improved consistency.

Self and peer assessment has meant that pupils are able to make diagnostic comments on their own and each other’s work.

Mid lesson learning stops analysing one child’s work under the visualiser has been effective.

“I noticed that in one Y9 class four or five pupils were not writing.  They had stopped at the same question on a GCSE PAPER.  I stopped the lesson, put the question up on the board and pulled the question apart, breaking down what it was asking for and how to approach it.  Everyone then carried on following the whole class discussion.”

“I have changed the pupils’ perceptions of their own potential through changing the ethos of the class.  There is no ceiling to their attainment.  I have been addressing only the higher bands with all pupils in discussing GCSE criteria and, as a result, the pupils felt an increased sense of engagement and willingness to deliver an individual presentation.  All pupils attained an A* – C grade as a result of their mindset.  They don’t destroy each other’s opportunities to learn.  They support each other and there’s a warm, positive and productive environment in a group with a lot of challenging pupils, who were often disengaged or demotivated.”

Kate Jones — Ysgol Glan Clwyd