Age 5-7: Y1/2 2019 Feedback from Day 3


All teachers were doing on the move feedback which had immediate impact and addresses misconceptions straight away.  It was definitely easier with children in rows.  No hands are up and you can see who needs more input.  It was important not to jump in too early.

Success criteria were on learning walls which meant children had easy access to them and all teachers had mid lesson learning stops, although not for every lesson.  They are very powerful to show good examples to inspire others.

The visualiser was great for modelling. One teacher described how seeing other children’s good examples of writing had improved the creativity of all.

Cooperative feedback was done by all teachers.  It improved children’s output, their speech and language and their own understanding.  It is a safe environment to try new things.

All teachers had tried post lesson A3 whole class feedback sheets, with fewer comments needed in books. 


All teachers were on the move giving feedback, marking and correcting.  Teachers have a better understanding of where children are at the end of a lesson.  There was some difficulty if more time was needed with one child or group.

All teachers used mid lesson learning stops with the visualiser, which has built children’s confidence and positivity.  ‘Happy mistakes’ gives more support for those who are struggling.

Three teachers introduced cooperative feedback.  This has had a big impact and they are very focused.

1-1 post lesson conferences with children allows for good discussion.  They have more understanding of their next steps.


Four teachers had changed from focus groups to on the move feedback.  Children have become more independent and are correcting in context.

There is either less or no marking after hours now that most is done during the lesson.

Three schools had changed their marking policy so that they no longer commented in children’s books, just used symbols or highlights.  No hours are spent after school as there is greater feedback given in real time.  Staff work/life balance has been restored.

Mid lesson visualiser stops have helped children see what excellence looks like, keeps children on task and shows them where to correct.

As a school we found that marking was taking a lot of time after school.  We came together in a staff meeting to look at our books from Y1 to Y6.  The main discussions were about the impact on pupils and staff workload.  It was decided that verbal feedback and immediate marking with symbols and highlighting would be best.  This has had a great impact on pupil understanding of work to be improved as well as staff workload and wellbeing.

Bronwynn Villet – Broadwater Primary