Age 7-9: Y3/4 2017 Feedback from Day 3


Teachers were giving more verbal feedback in class time. Children are happy to learn what they did well and what they can do to improve.

Mid lesson learning stops had taken place. Mistakes were shown in maths which children could analyses as a class. Children have lightbulb moments realising what they did wrong and know how to put it right. Sharing examples in this way showed children the expectations.

Peer assessing: children search for examples in their work to prove it to their partner. There have been improvements in children’s handwriting and presentation because they know they have to share their work with their partner.

Low level activities have been given while the teacher gives 1-1 feedback on a Friday afternoon. The opportunity to speak to children about their work in this way gives them pride and ownership.

Children have to identify a target from talking to their teacher, which is very focusing.

Children were developing self-assessment using highlighters. They were asked to find something from working walls and include it. This had led to more independent self-assessing.

Some pieces were still being marked with two stars and a wish. Children enjoyed reading comments. Good marking made children feel valued and they put more effort in future work.

Children were editing work in mini lessons – edit and improve – add a sentence or a paragraph.


In lesson feedback focused mainly around the co-construction of the success criteria.  Then peer coaching and cooperative feedback led to children accepting critiques from their peers rather than adults.

Post lesson feedback consisted of coding – this reduced marking and helps identify misconceptions.