On occasion I have found some children deliberately making mistakes in order to seek recognition for their marvellous mistake (e.g. no capital letters)!
Jack Dunningham
All teachers had normalised error. Children talk about mistakes a lot, saying they help others learn from them and thank each other. Children feel brave doing a service for others. One teacher displayed work with mistakes which had increased confidence having this shared publicly.
All teachers give task related praise not ego, which they felt was in place anyway.
No rewards were given apart from random picks for ‘bird of the day’ (person who does odd jobs). Children don’t miss rewards or talk about them as this was already embedded. The golden book on Friday works because all children are told they will be in it at some time. A recognition board exists in one classroom. Children praise one another for their various skills, such as ‘being a good friend’.
All teachers have mixed ability with random talk partners. In maths, some children leave their partner for intervention.
Learning Powers
The PETI poster was displayed which teachers felt had not helped, as children just replace help with ‘input’.