All teachers had shown videos of the brain with synapses firing and introduced marvellous mistakes. One teacher for the first lesson made copies of one child’s mistake and gave them out for all to analyse. Understandably the child was demoralised and parents upset. The teacher realised this needed more on the spot under the visualiser with the child’s permission. Once children are used to the process, they don’t mind their mistake being the focus.
Other children had noticeably shifted from being afraid to make mistakes to being happy. It was felt this caused a real shift to being more confident to have a go. Language used: ‘Thank you for making that error. It allowed me to make an important teaching point’.
The PETI poster was beginning to have impact, as children were asked to say whether they needed practise, effort, time or more input when they were stuck.
Using task related praise rather than ego related, using the same tone of voice had led to children being more confident achievers. Motivated children are better behaved.
Children were being given verbal recognition not rewards. The problem is that TAs, LSAs and MDs can undo it all….
All teachers had mixed ability with all children doing the same, sometimes scaffolded work.