Teachers found that showing children good and bad examples helped them to come up with the criteria. The quality of their work improved because they had clear success criteria. Teachers said they were planning to keep examples of good and not so good work to use next year.
Success criteria were on display and there was also a learning journey board with aims for children’s future competences. Children refer back to the criteria.
“Success criteria were co-constructed for a piece of art. The impact was improved focus and concentration at the task. One child compared their work with another’s: ‘Billy has lots of grass instead of lots of houses. This is my funnest job – I really like colouring and drawing now. My dad called me an artist. I draw smaller houses but next time I would draw bigger ones.’ “
All teachers had used good and bad examples to create success criteria. This modelled a growth mindset and made them think carefully about what was wrong. The quality of their work improved.
Good and bad examples were demonstrated by the teacher and a TA in a PE lesson
Children are self-differentiating success criteria for writing, which was particularly helpful with mixed age classes.
Using the terms ‘Remember to’ and ‘Choose from’ worked well. Children could be heard using these words and referring to them. The LO was changed from ‘I can…’ to ‘I am learning to…’ This was clearer for children and improved their self-esteem. They are able to verbalise the LO more easily.
All teachers had some permanent success criteria displayed for writing, with children referring to these constantly.