2022 Age 11-18: Secondary Feedback from Day 2

Carmel Netherlands

History/social sciences/domestic science/RE

All teachers said students were now more interested in understanding the new knowledge than their grade, since learning intentions and success criteria had been introduced.

This has allowed students to check their own work against the criteria so they have more ownership and confidence. They are less anxious about what they have to do and find it easier to start.

Peer assessment looking at what a good one looks like had also been successful. Using good work from last year to explain the success criteria had inspired students and given them a better eye for quality

We co-constructed success criteria for making a presentation. The students were given the criteria and they gave peer feedback to each other about their presentations, then discussed together. They are saving the improvement suggestions then redoing the presentation after Christmas to see how they have improved.

English/French/German/Dutch and maths

Most teachers had used the good v poor comparison strategy in writing. Sharing a rubric enabled peer review in their evaluations.

My students were looking at a text that was translated very badly from Dutch to German. We made a list of success criteria for a good translation. The criteria started with good communication; using the correct words and ended with specific grammar rules. The students then tried to correct as many mistakes as they could. The texts were swapped between the groups, so that they completed other people’s suggestions. At the end we had the completed correct translation!

Arts/All rounders/Biology

One teacher used 3 enquiry questions as the basis for group discussion in art. Learning together saves time and they had better understanding of what they were learning.

In another lesson students were asked to choose their own goals for an assignment and to give peer feedback. Lazy students were enthusiastic and gained a lot from working in a group.


All teachers had used the comparison between a good piece and a poor piece to c-construct success criteria and to figure out what the assignment might be. They are thinking now about the criteria and are more involved in the process of their learning.

The success criteria link to other subjects where they have to write. Transferrable skills were very helpful. Students now have a better understanding of expectations.

I brainstormed with the class all the elements the students would need to be successful in a task, then collated them on the flip chart.

I then have an empty set of rubrics on the board with their headings. The students then sort the elements into the rubrics and discuss why they think it belongs in that box. For an essay, for example, if on the list is ‘use paragraphs’ that will go under ‘organisation’. ‘Use of transitional phrases’ can go under ‘use of language’ but also under ‘organisation’.

Box A: Analysis         Box B: Organisation         Box C: use of language


Sharing learning intentions had led to a better overview and more knowledge.

All teachers had used the comparison of good and bad examples to generate success criteria. This had been a good start for the following lessons about this topic.