All teachers now abbreviate the learning intention as a title in children’s books. This is not wasting time so children are pleased they don’t have to do this.
One teacher has success criteria with red, amber and green zones beside each criterion, so their progress mid lesson can be checked.
Success criteria were being co-constructed by looking at model examples and choosing the features.
By numbering the success criteria, children can find the features in their writing by numbering them in the margin. They focus more on what they need to include in their work.
Having the success criteria on a PP slide means children can refer to them during the lesson.
Learning intention titles had been abbreviated so children were now straight on task.
All teachers have made more use of displays and working walls and washing lines of key words. Children are using the toolkits and magpie lists around the room.
Two teachers have displayed not good examples as a reference for children.
Model texts were used to co-construct writing success criteria.
Good/bad examples of text were analysed which showed expectations, made children aware of the genre’s features and helped improve their vocabulary.
Modelling in silence then asking children to explain what was done showed clear understanding. Children were more focused.
Knowledge organisers were used by 3 teachers for key facts in foundation subjects. This helped in showing children the end goals and allows for continuous assessment.
All teachers had non negotiables like spelling, handwriting etc. and personal targets for these. Success criteria were used for specific skills.
Two teachers had a pictorial toolkit for writing skills on a working wall. Children know instantly what they are doing well even if they can’t read.