Age 5-7: Y1/2 2018 Feedback from Day 2


What went wrong worked well for maths and led to children being able to say what the learning intention was. The success criteria were more meaningful if created by the children from the starter.

The odd one out question worked well especially if there was no right answer so that no one is wrong. Problem solving and reasoning skills were developed.

North Wales Team 1

All teachers said the prior knowledge starters were easier to use in maths lessons. One teacher had used ‘odd one out’ to find which is the verb (jump/cook/pencil/talk) which revealed that children were unsure of what a verb is.

Questions on the board so children could be instantly engaged worked well.

Two teachers gave an answer for children to find the question. Children were working to find the ‘hardest’ answer e g. if the number was 100, not to give 99+1. They were looking to impress!

All teachers said that they had found out things children knew of which they were unaware.

Staff had been asked to trial the starters and they said that children were more confident in giving answers and that they were more aware of where children were.

Planning now consists of weekly questions linked to our half termly topic. This week I asked them the question on Monday – ‘What was Abergele like when our grandparents were young?’ The response on Monday was minimal so we talked about what we need to do to find out. As a result they have interviewed their grandparents, found old photos of the town, contacted a retired councillor to look at old photos and maps and we have arranged to visit a residential home. The questions they want to ask are much deeper and more focused than I had expected.

Via the Seesaw app we have also involved the parents who have supported the learning at home. The children have a clear understanding of what they need to find out in order to answer the question in as much detail as possible.

Laura Martin – Ysgol Glan Gele


All teachers had used the ‘odd one out’ in maths lessons, such as three different calculations or shapes. Children are having to reason,

‘What’s gone wrong here?’ had been used by all for sentences, punctuation and number. Misconceptions are revealed.

The ‘statement’ lends itself to topic lessons and science.

The ‘range of answers’ worked (e.g. three sentences given – which is best for this type of text?’) This gave an indication of children’s prior knowledge.

All teachers felt that the template questions were easier to apply in maths than English. Children were able to explain their understanding and convince someone they were right. They said that prior knowledge allows teachers to identify the small pockets of children who need input and target them while the others are being extended.